BBrrootthheerrss is a photographic project that explores the dynamics of family collaboration.
None is a photography project that explores both the practice of portraiture and the essence of photography itself. Initiated in 2007, the project involves collecting images from various sources, including the internet, film frames, family albums, photographs captured from the television, and religious cards. Each of these images holds a unique connection to me, considered from both a physiognomic and intellectual standpoint.
Backscape is a name derived from the combination of two English words, ‘back’ (behind) and ‘scape’ (from ‘landscape’ – ‘land’ territory, ‘scape’ view). Nine images of a landscape, diverse yet similar in the characterization of the location, are brought into relation at the same moment. The application randomly selects a strip of pixels from one of the nine images and positions it on the stage at the same horizontal position. This method of landscape genesis randomly visualizes the succession of possible solutions that it can assume over time by adding different images, creating both its continuity and showing its discontinuity.a reflection of reality that simultaneously reveals and conceals its presence. This showing and hiding is what remains in our visual and perceptual memory of the landscape.
In the unique dance of two left hands, one real and one artificial, the authentic immerses itself in an imitation of the artificial. In this unconventional encounter, an osmotic exchange unfolds between the natural and the artificial. Contrary to convention, it is the real hand that appears to mirror the artificial. This prompts a profound […]
Identity is a concept of indeterminacy and transversality. In its manifestation to the world, it is never fully present, but always elsewhere, in a state of continuous différance and displacement. This project consists of a database of images received via email. The application randomly selects an image from the archive and places a pixel on the screen. The result is an image generated by an array of pixels that, through a process of random configuration, tends to create an identity.
This process reflects Derrida’s notion of a constantly deferred presence, where every attempt to fix identity is always already dispersed and relocated. Simultaneously, it embodies Nancy’s idea of singularity and plurality coexisting, where identity emerges not as a monolithic entity but as a dynamic interplay of elements existing in relation to one another.
Camcide is a project centered around photography and the photographic medium.
2 Friends
2 Friends is a synthesis of a journey, while simultaneously narrating the progression of a relationship between two individuals. A thread connects their existence while external forces, such as the wind, strive to pull them apart. The composition illustrates an overlap of two identical shirts, yet natural forces – the wind – work to differentiate them.